Travel tips for students + GIVEAWAY


Hey guys!

I want to write a little bit different post for today. If you didn’t know, I’m a college student and I study management in tourism. Most of my friends are college students aswell and I’ve been hearing the same thing from most of them. They all want to travel and visit places but they either don’t have enough money or time. So since I’ve been hearing that from everyone I really wanted to make a post about it because it’s a little bit frustrating! If you trully want to travel you definitely can and I’m gonna show you how 🙂 . Here are few of my own tips for you guys on how to travel while in highschool/college and make sure you get to the end of the post because I have A GIVEAWAY FOR YOU! 🙂


I know, I know..that is not actually a travel tip. But if you think about it, it is! I’m not talking (well writing) about working and saving money for traveling (even tho that’s a great tip also) but rather finding a job in tourism! There are a lot of jobs out there that you can get easily, plus it will help you see places. For example, every summer I work as an entertainer! I work in hotels and every summer I visit few places! There is a lot you can do as an entertainer. Sport activities, dance classes, kids care, dancing, singing, acting,…every summer you visit another place, but you can also travel to near places around you on your day off because, usually, you stay at the hotel and eat there for free! So you can spend your paycheck on anything you like. I personally spend it on traveling, either I save it and visit another country when I come back home or I’m traveling to nearest places around me every day off! Only this summer I have visited 8 different cities in my country! I had day trips with my friend and it was great, definitely a best summer ever!
You can also find a job to work as a waiter or something else on a cruise ship! It can be really hard working there because the paycheck is not that high and you sleep in small cabins and work a lot but hey, you get to see really amazing places! I think it’s worth it if you’re to shy or don’t feel comfortable to work as an entaitainer.


I’m sure most of you do work or at least get some allowance. SAVE as much as you can. You WILL have enough for a one day road trips with your friends or even a weekend trip! A lot of us get too busy with exams and get stuck with stress and not enough time for relaxing. I’m not encouraging you to drop your exams and go on random trips haha, but when your exams pass and you can have a little break DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. That money that you saved will get in handy at those times! Make your friends to work and save aswell and you can all save together! 🙂 Nothing better than someone who shares your interests!


We live in a modern world where Internet is full of useful informations. USE THAT. There’s a lot of pages where you can find cheap flights and hotels. A lot of companies have discounts here and there and make sure you download apps or check their websites. RYANAIR has sooo many cheap flights so make sure you are checking their website HERE. I also like SKY SCANNER a lot, I even have an app on my phone for easier search. Those are two of my favourite international ones, but if you’re from the Balkans I’m pretty sure you know about PUTUJMO JEFTINO website. If you don’t, click on the name and make sure you subscribe to them because they have THE CHEAPEST flights AND accomodation for everyone. They are finding it online and letting you purchase it through them. I also love VIKEND MANIJACI and STA PUTOVANJA.


I believe everyone should try this at least once in their highschool/college years! I plan on going somewhere in next semeseter (September). This is the best way, not only to spend 3 months or more in a foreign country and visit many places there, but also a great way of meeting new people with same interest as you. You can make long lasting friendships from people all over the world and that can also help you visiting them in their country and therefore, traveling! Some of the best known  exchange student programs are ERASMUS+ , CEEPUS , AYUSA Global Youth Exchange , World Heritage , etc. You have to try them out, I only hear best responses from people who tried it. 🙂


Hopefully you will take some of my advices and decide to travel. I know the harderst thing is to start and finding a way but when you do that, there’s no one stoping you! (Expect maybe your parents but hopefully not hahah). You can start with random one day trips. I wanna make sure you go and see the world soooo, I partenered with GPSmyCity so I can help you! This is one of the best travel apps you can get because it tells you everything you have to know about the place you’re visiting! The most amazing thing is that the app is working offline, so you won’t be spending any data on your phone! I’m giving away 10 promo codes for you guys so you don’t have to pay for it! Since this is my first giveaway, all you need to do is COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST (and share it on social media IF you want to) saying what city are you visiting next or you want to visit in the future so I can give you the code for that city! Let this be your little motivation for a random trip!


THE GIVEAWAY WILL END ON MARCH 17! Good luck everyone! 🙂

Until next time…:* (random picture of me enjoying my day off in Šibenik, Croatia that I had to post because the post was too empty! Hahah)


Make sure you follow me on social media to know what I’m up to:


42 thoughts on “Travel tips for students + GIVEAWAY

  1. Great tips! I think a lot of things are about priority – people who travel a lot, like us, will constantly asked on how we can afford it. However it’s so simple: save – or in other words: don’t spend. When someone gets a manicure every week or goes to the hairdresser every three weeks, always has the newest computer or the up-to-date xbox games, goes partying every weekend or owns a car, few people will ask them how they were able to afford it. Travel does not have to be expensive and us travel addicts simply allocate the money that we have to something we love: travel ❤


    1. No problem Jo-Anne, thank you 🙂
      (make sure you check to see the list of cities for the app and state for what city you wish to win the promo code if you want to enter the giveaway!)


  2. Hi Roberta.
    Great post, even though I’m not a high school or college student.

    I like how you talk about getting a job in the tourism industry. A few years ago, a musician friend of mine had the opportunity to play with a band for three months on a cruise ship that went from Miami, Florida to the Caribbean every week. he loved it. Free food and place to sleep. Couldn’t ask for anything more.

    One thing that I did with a bunch of my friends when I was in my twenties was go camping in the mountains in New Hampshire here in the United States. I’m from just outside Boston, Massachusetts so it was about a 2.5 hour drive to get there. We’d stay there from Friday night to Monday and always had a great time. We went in May and September, did that for nine straight years.

    It was a great way to get away from the city life. Listening to the birds, the river flowing down the mountain behind us. Big campfire every night. It was beautiful and relaxing.

    Something for your readers to think about if they are like the outdoors.

    Have a great weekend………Chris


    1. Thank you Chris! 🙂
      That sure sounds amazing! Definitely something I would like to try with my friends!
      If you wish to enter the giveaway, you can! Just make sure you check to see the list of cities for the app and state for what city you wish to win the promo code! Good luck 🙂


  3. I will be visiting a few new cities in the coming months, including Warsaw, Phnom Penh and Doha, along with many cities I have visited previously! 🙂


    1. That’s amazing! Good luck!!
      And thank you, make sure you check to see the list of cities for the app and state for what city you wish to win the promo code! Good luck 🙂 xx


  4. Great tips! Also, i finally did a Liebster award post (sorry for waiting!), check it out on my blog 🙂 And the city i’m (probably) visiting next is Vienna!


  5. I’m a student, and traveling is definitely difficult to balance! But I find that federal jobs also travel very often, so I’m hoping to become a Foreign Service Officer 🙂 Also SCHOLARSHIPS! For study abroad, AND there a tons of essay based scholarships that will give you money for your travels!!

    Also, I’m headed to Switzerland next 😉


  6. Very useful post! I would add Google Flights to your list of cheap travel websites. It’s very good for when you are searching for cheap long haul flights, it even gives you suggestions on when to fly so that you pay less.
    I wish I was a student again and go studying abroad. 🙂


  7. Really good advice, I have a few friends that work in tourism purely so they can travel and I think it’s a great idea. I would do the same if I didn’t have dogs!


    1. Ya, that’s really amazing. I love my summer job because I get to see so many places 🙂 Ah maybe somewhere you can take them or find someone to watch them :/
      (if you want to enter the giveaway please say for what city you wish to win the promo code for the app 🙂


  8. Great suggestions. I had actually once planned on doing international studies at university which would have involved travelling and the opportunities were so great!


  9. I’d love to win this giveaway! I’m traveling to Rome, Italy next and I’d love an insider view of what’s up! I didn’t know you could travel so cheaply working in tourism! Count me in!


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